Tony Iommi, T.J. Lammers - Iron Man - My Journey Through Heaven & Hell with Black Sabbath

Tony Iommi, T.J. Lammers - Iron Man - My Journey Through Heaven & Hell with Black Sabbath
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Размер:3.03 MB
Tony Iommi, T.J. Lammers - Iron Man - My Journey Through Heaven & Hell with Black Sabbath
5/5 Голоса: 6
Добавлено:09/10/2014 13:05:51
Скачан:984 (Взят - 1209) Раздал 6 Качает 0
Сид был:02/06/2024 14:55:48
Модерация:Проверен пользователем DetMoroz
Language/ Язык:  english
Number of pages / Количество страниц:  416
Format / Формат:  epub
Description / Описание:

Iron Man chronicles the story of both pioneering guitarist Tony Iommi and legendary band Black Sabbath, dubbed “The Beatles of heavy metal” by Rolling Stone. Iron Man reveals the man behind the icon yet still captures Iommi’s humor, intelligence, and warmth. He speaks honestly and unflinchingly about his rough-and-tumble childhood, the accident that almost ended his career, his failed marriages, personal tragedies, battles with addiction, band mates, famous friends, newfound daughter, and the ups and downs of his life as an artist.Everything associated with hard rock happened to Black Sabbath first: the drugs, the debauchery, the drinking, the dungeons, the pressure, the pain, the conquests, the company men, the contracts, the combustible drummer, the critics, the comebacks, the singers, the Stonehenge set, the music, the money, the madness, the metal.


30  Иордания
2017-04-21 20:21:57

thank you very much! been looking for it

2019-07-01 17:02:49


2019-07-20 20:31:08

Thanks a lot!!{#yahoo.gif}

59  Испания
2022-06-02 00:13:53

Many thanks!

I had the paper version but it got lost, whole years looking for it in Ebook

Thank you, hope it seeds!

2024-05-27 14:07:22


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