Michael Moynihan & Didrik Søderlind - Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground

Michael Moynihan & Didrik Søderlind - Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground
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Размер:14.79 MB
Раздал:jukswede Респект  Антиреспект
Michael Moynihan & Didrik Søderlind - Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground
2.66/5 Голоса: 7
Добавлено:30/10/2014 18:12:15
Скачан:906 (Взят - 1148) Раздал 2 Качает 0
Сид был:10/06/2024 18:30:07
Модерация:Проверен пользователем KipeLov
Language/ Язык:  English
Number of pages / Количество страниц:  405
Format / Формат:  epub

Description / Описание:


Published November 1st 2003 by Feral House (first published 1998)

The 2003 edition of LORDS OF CHAOS is revised and expanded, adding fifty new pages, detailing outbreaks of Black Metal crime in Finland, Germany and the United States; and includes the secret history of occult Rock, a new section on Varg Vikernes’ promulgation of bizarre Aryan UFO theories, and material on the career of Hendrik Mobus, an international neo-Nazi fugitive. This award-winning exposé features hundreds of rare photos and exclusive interrogations with priests, police officers, Satanists, and leaders of demonic bands who believe the greater evil spawns the greatest glory.



48  Великобритания
2014-10-30 18:52:43

Thanks Jukswede! I was searching for this book just yesterday! \m/

2014-10-31 04:02:45



2015-09-10 07:08:06

nice job, downloading now. i've heard about it, and i hope it's good!!

2019-03-10 06:04:41

thanks man!!

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