Avsolutized... - Mot din svarta ångest (Compilation)

Avsolutized... - Mot din svarta ångest (Compilation)
Стиль:Black Metal
Дополнительный:Raw Black Metal
Формат:320 mp3
Размер:114.08 MB
Раздал:stormhatt Респект  Антиреспект
Avsolutized... - Mot din svarta ångest (Compilation)
4.68/5 Голоса: 2
Добавлено:10/10/2018 03:37:09
Скачан:198 (Взят - 173) Раздал 1 Качает 0
Сид был:10/06/2024 18:08:36
Модерация:Проверен пользователем stormhatt
Length / Продолжительность: 00:49:44

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Det tysta fallet
02. An Everlasting Circulation of Void
03. My Veins Are Open (Setherial cover)
04. A Lament for You There
05. Utan död...
06. Uroborik Rupture
07. Towards...
08. The Ensemble Reign


42  Швеция
2018-10-10 13:40:27

is this really from japan ? all songs are swedish ? :D

41  Швеция
2018-10-10 16:45:06

is this really from japan ? all songs are swedish ? :D

 Yes they are. There is more bands in Japan with swedish lyrics. Especially in rawpunk genre. But that doesnt mean that they understand swedish or can speak swedish. I've been over there and tried to speak with people that sing in swedish. Didnt work at all


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