02-08-2014, 12:38 PM
Wanted to make a thread dedicated to awe inspiring black metal, in which I hope to learn a thing or two.
The bands I currently listen to are Drudkh, Xasthur, Melechesh, Craft and Satanic Warmaster.
These bands I feel embrace the eerie and cold of black metal.
I specifically like Drudkh for the folkish element, and Xasthur is... dark. Craft and Melechesh embrace the chaos of black metal sound, with Melechesh being Sumerian themed, which shows in their music. I highly recommend Melechesh to those who like a unique sound within well done BM.
Satanic Warmaster... Nothing speaks to me like their release, Carelian Satanist Madness.
I am a huge Burzum fan, from his original self title to Umpskitar, he speaks to me in a way. One of very few artists who evolved so far and kept my attention. I will admit in my early days of uneducated black metal I went through my phases of disliking things if they weren't "black metal" enough, but since then it's become about the music. I have grown to where black metal is simply a lifestyle, and while it is a genre containing a lot of hate, that hate should not be directed at music.
Darkthrone's first 4 albums really got me since the first time I heard each of them, however I am yet to find another Darkthrone release that speaks to me as much. I enjoyed Plaguewielder. I keep hearing the word "Lame" in various songs... F.O.A.D. especially. idk if you enjoyed another release do post your opinion.
I could never do Mayhem and Immortal beyond a few choice songs, that being said I do occasionally listen to De Vermis Dom Sathanas and Ordo Ad Chao (the latter barely being mayhem I know). I'll admit my hesitance toward Immortal is the comical persona of Abbatt portrayed in the music- my ears cant help what they hear, and they hear that guy widening his eyes and smiling. My loss I suppose.
I go through phases of Watain, I saw them live and it was fucking awesome, but it's so clean I can't find myself listening to more than an album at a time. Craft is like the more true to form version of Watain in my opinion. Then if you like those bands, try the move to Portal.
So please, have at my musical tastes and post your own.
The bands I currently listen to are Drudkh, Xasthur, Melechesh, Craft and Satanic Warmaster.
These bands I feel embrace the eerie and cold of black metal.
I specifically like Drudkh for the folkish element, and Xasthur is... dark. Craft and Melechesh embrace the chaos of black metal sound, with Melechesh being Sumerian themed, which shows in their music. I highly recommend Melechesh to those who like a unique sound within well done BM.
Satanic Warmaster... Nothing speaks to me like their release, Carelian Satanist Madness.
I am a huge Burzum fan, from his original self title to Umpskitar, he speaks to me in a way. One of very few artists who evolved so far and kept my attention. I will admit in my early days of uneducated black metal I went through my phases of disliking things if they weren't "black metal" enough, but since then it's become about the music. I have grown to where black metal is simply a lifestyle, and while it is a genre containing a lot of hate, that hate should not be directed at music.
Darkthrone's first 4 albums really got me since the first time I heard each of them, however I am yet to find another Darkthrone release that speaks to me as much. I enjoyed Plaguewielder. I keep hearing the word "Lame" in various songs... F.O.A.D. especially. idk if you enjoyed another release do post your opinion.
I could never do Mayhem and Immortal beyond a few choice songs, that being said I do occasionally listen to De Vermis Dom Sathanas and Ordo Ad Chao (the latter barely being mayhem I know). I'll admit my hesitance toward Immortal is the comical persona of Abbatt portrayed in the music- my ears cant help what they hear, and they hear that guy widening his eyes and smiling. My loss I suppose.
I go through phases of Watain, I saw them live and it was fucking awesome, but it's so clean I can't find myself listening to more than an album at a time. Craft is like the more true to form version of Watain in my opinion. Then if you like those bands, try the move to Portal.
So please, have at my musical tastes and post your own.