Metal Torrent Tracker Forum

Полная версия: Reputation
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What amount of reputation do I need to reduce the delay time, before a download?

How do I raise reputation?

When your rank is "Newbie" - 1001-2000 - the time is reduced to 30 seconds.
When you reach "user" (2001 or more) you don't have any delay.

You can increase rank by:
-uploading new things
-when you get respect or thanks from other users (for your uploads)
-when you get a plus on forum

Each uploaded Gigabyte is 5 points.
Each 24 hours of seeding is 1 point.
Each new upload is 10 points.
1 point for each "thanks".
2 pts for each "respect".
Each "plus" on forum is 25 points.
Each month after registration is next 10 points.

Did I miss something (except grammar^^)?
I've uploaded and seeded etc... but my score stay at 62 :/ the score is updated in how long ?