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Does anyone listen to Les Legions Noires? What are your favorite bands from that genre and what do you think about it in general?

I personally love that old, raw and "crappy" sound. It really boost atmosphere, those guys did music for themselves. Too bad this era didnt last long and that most, if not almost all bands disband.

Beside usual bands like Mutiilation, Vlad tapes and Belkètre i love Aakon Keetreh, Brenoritvrezorkre, Toregeist, Black murder, Moevot, Amaka Hahina etc...
Actually the LLN remain one of my favorite circles of all time, I find them better than the Norwegian inner circle imo.
My favs from them are, Aakon Keetreh, Mutiilation, Vlad Tepes, Black Murder, Moevot, Torgeist and Dzlvarv.
I agree, their raw production and recording compliments their desolate atmosphere, especially the black ambient based ones like Amaka Hahina and Moevot. Nothing better than listening to them, on a cold winter night and lose yourself in thoughts.
Vlad Tepes and Black Murder
Vlad Tepes,Black Murder and Mutiilation are my favorite bands from the lln
thats true...
Хорошо жужжали в 1990-х. Сейчас это уже КЛАССИКА.
Документалка об них
(05-06-2020, 12:30 AM)Death room_0 Писал(а): [ -> ]Документалка об них

Thank you for sharing this video.  I hadn't seen it before.