RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
I havent seen any Blut Aus Nord. Thats a definite near daily listen. Now if he'd only play live! Lately Ive been diving into a lot of the US scene, Leviathan and all the off shoot bands. Im always liking Altar of Plagues, one of the freshest bands lately, Id say.
On a side note, somebody mentioned Pensies Nocturnum. Its been love after first listen, but I cant find anything on them other than their material here. I would love to buy their disco if anyone knows where I can do so! They arent even on the metal archives.
03-13-2014, 09:43 PM |

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У нас с: Mar 2014
RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
hi sorry for a noob request xD can you share your music playlist pure metal with any genres of metal im new to metal give me a music that can change my head to metal haha
03-17-2014, 05:25 PM |
RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
04-06-2014, 03:39 AM |
RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
I don't know if daily but at least deserves to be listened once
10-19-2014, 04:42 PM |
RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
Darkspace, Anaal Nathrakh, Alcest, Coldworld, Burzum, Windir..
10-22-2014, 07:35 PM |
RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
All about Emperor and Drudkh. Glare of Autumn is my daily commute
10-27-2014, 04:08 AM |

Сообщений: 3
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У нас с: Aug 2014
RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
Love Burzum and early Mayhem, love early Emperor and love Immortal. Darkthrone other than "A Blaze..." I enjoy their new stuff, great dirty blackened punk/crust. Other than those my everyday BM bands might be Blut Aus Nord (great new album  ), Taake, Kampfar, InThyFlesh, Corpus Christii, Absu, and others.
Can I mention Anaal Nathrakh here too?
10-27-2014, 07:34 PM |
RE: Black Metal you feel deserves Daily Listening
Some lesser known black metal bands (correct me if I'm wrong) that are pretty cool are Sigh (from China), Xathrites (middle east), Darvulia, Benighted in Sodom and Hate forest, Hate forest has some pretty unique vocals in my opinion as they don't have the typical vocal style as most black metal bands. Most of black metal actually puts me to sleep or I find peaceful as well... Not sure if ironic or not but whatever. :P
10-28-2014, 06:03 PM |