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yes the new allbum is a killer
Holy Moses (thrash)
Detente (thrash)
Mythic (death)

Izegrim (death/thrash)
Of Heavy Metal I like Cruxified Barbara

Now death and Black I know a ton: Angist, Abnormality, Tard, Guttural Slug, Sinister, Light This City, Occultist, Matriarch, Mythic, Black Palace, Dracena, Sacralis, Astarte, Black September, Draconian, Demonic Christ, Ilkim Oulanem, All I Could Bleed
I like female fronted bands. My favorite band's Epica, Delain, Nightwish, ReVamp.
check SubRosa and Castle!
Not metal but....Pat Benatar!
arch enemy
Within Temptation, We Are The Fallen, Icon for Hire, old Nightwish, Lacuna Coil between others
There's actually plenty of female lead vocalists out there, and yes although there are more then enough cocks fronting a band/collective..I find some bands with female vocalists way more diverse. The ''under ground'' BM/various genres are fruitful with female vocalists/musicians.


(The above small list is not entirely unknown apart from 1, go forth and venture ladies!! -gents)
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