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Donation through PayPal? - Версия для печати

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Donation through PayPal? - DainBramaged - 01-10-2015

Hello, does anybody know if that's possible?

RE: Donation through PayPal? - blackme - 01-10-2015

it isn't

RE: Donation through PayPal? - beernd - 05-29-2015

Would be nice if that was possible.

RE: Donation through PayPal? - p00pd00d - 06-03-2015

It would indeed be nice. I love the tracker, mucho, but there's no methods that I can donate by. Sadly paypal is kind of fussy about legality and stuff and would probably send you straight to hell.

RE: Donation through PayPal? - OneBlueSky - 06-03-2015

(01-10-2015, 05:44 AM)DainBramaged Писал(а): Hello, does anybody know if that's possible?

Sure it is. I donated through it myself. It wasn't before, but now, clicking donate and your amount takes you to a site that has the option of credit/bank card, or "Pay via PayPal"


RE: Donation through PayPal? - p00pd00d - 06-03-2015

Excellent! Thanks very much OneBlueSky Smile3

RE: Donation through PayPal? - OneBlueSky - 06-03-2015

(06-03-2015, 08:36 PM)p00pd00d Писал(а): Excellent! Thanks very much OneBlueSky Smile3

Absolutely welcome! Smile3

RE: Donation through PayPal? - beernd - 06-04-2015

Very nice OneBlueSky, just donated this way!
You should post a new thread that this is possible this way, lots of users don't know this yet and don't read this thread since it's quite old.

RE: Donation through PayPal? - netongt - 11-02-2015

How associate the payment with the user? I want to donate in bitcoin but how the site can know which user do the transfer?