(07-01-2015, 11:05 PM)beernd Писал(а): [ -> ]...... The third one we eat decembre 31 for newyears ceberation, oliebollen, good if ya don't eat too many of them......
I think that the good is if you eat as many of them until getting sick
you don't know what you're saying...... the newyear celebrations
take a look a this one...... this is a newyear food that has a strong tradition here in Italy
and this is exactly what it seems...... ZAMPONE CON LENTICCHIE = it's a foot of a pig
...... emptied and boneless...... and stuffed with finely chopped meat and a lot of spices...... it's not simply fat...... its obscenely fatty
and it's cooked in a pot with LENTICCHIE = lentils (the green/brown stuff that you see under the pig
) ...... you don't know how it's good
the tradition says that to eat this "dietetic food" the last night of the year is a good hope and omen for the new year, most of all for the money
wtf hahaha never seen one and looks great
They sell feet of various animals here but they are gross, not like this
Duuude! Lentils! Awesome stuff. You also have some kind of soup from lentils.
What is that called? Gonna try to make that myself, haven't eaten that for about 35 years but still remember it was damn good!
Цитата:Laugh1 what do you mean with "gross" ?? Smile3
This is the best they look I think, actually never tried so I cant do justice but they look gross.
(07-02-2015, 12:17 AM)Zakkyliar Писал(а): [ -> ]This is the best they look I think, actually never tried so I cant do justice but they look gross.
mmm...... maybe I've understood...... if I translate "gross", I see that it means something like "raw" or "rough" or "rude"...... "not elegant" or "not sophisticated", right ?? maybe you mean that here in Italy (as I've said) we take care also of the "visual look" of the food, not only of the taste, right ??
Well I have always known gross is disgusting
Food is half visuals half taste so if it looks disgusting but tastes great, its still half disgusting dont you think?
I dont want to defile this delicious thread with disgusting food but believe me turkish people eat stuff a lot worse than that
We also like making meters of kebabs in case you dont know
(07-02-2015, 12:33 AM)Zakkyliar Писал(а): [ -> ]...... Food is half visuals half taste so if it looks disgusting but tastes great, its still half disgusting dont you think?
Perfect, you got it
kebab, I think, looks disgusting......
it stays there, turning and turning again around ad around for entire days, roasting and dripping greasy fat, with flies and all that shit
ok...... bad to see...... but, my friend...... it's wonderful to eat
Since I've discovered it, I go once every week to eat kebab
there is this egyptian fast-food near where I live, that serves the kebab inside a bread sandwich that he makes in the oven at the moment